WEBINAR: Leadership to Get Results Through Others
Free for CLCA members. Non-members: $50
Registration: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/3791617871828053773
Do you have leadership questions? Business Coach Extraordinaire Bill Schnetz has leadership answers that he’ll share during a special CLCA Member Advantage Webinar on October 22.
Q. How do you get results through others?
A. Through leadership that others want to follow.
Q. How do you acquire those leadership skills?
A. Through a personal commitment or challenge of self-improvement that focuses on transparency, accountability, ownership and resolution.
Q. What tools do you need to master to accomplish growth?
A. One-on-ones, face-to-face conversations, trust, listening, learning, knowing and understanding.
Single-handedly facing an excess of high-maintenance clients with too few workers and too many headaches? To be successful, you need the leadership skills to create a winning team. Attend this CLCA Member Advantage webinar and learn how!
Our Presenter: Bill Schnetz, CLP, is the president of the award-winning Schnetz Landscape and a past president of the California Landscape Contractors Association. An extraordinary business coach and captivating speaker, Bill has presented several well-received webinars and workshops for CLCA and earned solid reviews for his presentation at the 2019 Landscape Industry Show.