Why Become Certified
Stay Ahead of Your Competitors and Become Certified!
Certification Program Benefits
CLCA’s Water Management Certification Program is helping industry professionals meet new market demands due to water restrictions and skyrocketing water prices.
A significant amount of California’s urban water use is devoted to irrigating landscapes. Our state’s population has increased to the point where demand is exceeding our existing water supplies — and there’s no more water to make up the deficit.
Homeowners and businesses alike are feeling the pinch more than ever from increased rates, and now with fines for water waste (especially from noticeable runoff). The demand on landscape contractors to provide more efficient water management is the highest it’s ever been, and will continue growing for the foreseeable future.
To help landscape contractors and other green industry professionals meet this growing demand, CLCA introduced its new Water Management Certification Program in the summer of 2007. This program is designed as a practical, profitable solution with a simple goal: to train water managers to provide customers with good to excellent landscape appearance using the right amount of water based on actual plant requirements.
Profiting From Water Management
For the contractors who are applying the principles right now on their job sites, the results are tangible (not theoretical).
Some of the financial rewards you can expect as a CLCA-certified water manager include:
- Lower labor costs due to improved landscapes (faster to maintain per visit);
- Profits from irrigation system repairs, upgrades, and retrofits (a higher per-hour labor rate than landscape maintenance alone);
- Additional service charges for the water management itself (savvy clients would rather pay landscape contractors $750 for saved water than $1200 to their water districts for wasted water);
- Added value to your overall services, which results in satisfied clients who are more likely to retain your company for years to come.
- CLCA Certified Water Managers can also apply for a WaterSense partnership through the EPA WaterSense program. There are also business opportunities associated with becoming a WaterSense partner, including:
- CLCAs Certified Water Managers can apply to use the WaterSense Partner logo next to their name on their website and on their printed materials.
- The program allows certified individuals to conduct irrigation audits on new landscape projects that fall under California’s newly updated Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance.
- It also allows Certified Water Managers, once they become WaterSense Partners, to do new home irrigation work under the recently released WaterSense Single Family New Home Specification.
Proof Of Results
Pacific Crest Landscape & Maintenance, Inc. in San Jose recently obtained a 30 percent rate hike from one client after showing — with actual figures based on documented water use — how much money that the client was saving each year due to Pacific Crest’s effective water management practices. Both parties came out thousands of dollars ahead, even after the rate increase.