Critical COVID-19 Information for CLCA Members

See for the most recent updates.


Sample Letter

CLCA has created a sample letter (below) for members to use. You may copy it and paste onto your company letterhead.



To Whom It May Concern:

The bearer of this letter is an employee of (COMPANY NAME HERE) and their work is essential as it relates to the list of essential critical infrastructure workers as found at

We refer you to Governor Gavin Newsom’s Executive Order N-33-20 that can be found at

Should you have questions, please contact (NAME) at (PHONE NUMBER).



Updated: 1 p.m., March 23, 2020

CLCA is working on behalf of our green industry and in that regard, we offer the following guidance and update for what continues to be a fluid and developing situation.

CLCA has been working throughout the weekend to get answers since Governor Newsom issued his Executive Order Thursday evening. We know that all of our members are ready and wanting to get to work.

What is New

Within the last 48 hours, the Governor’s office has released an updated 14-page document outlining the jobs and industries that they feel are Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers who may work during this statewide order. This is a more comprehensive listing than what they had just days ago and it can change at any time.

Also, CLCA has been provided a communication from the Director of the Office of the Small Business Advocate which is part of the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development. In that communication, she outlines that if work or job tasks fall within any of the listings in the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers document, you should consider working and provides guidance as to how to go back to work.

As a CLCA membership benefit, we have obtained a legal opinion on the Governor’s Executive Order and the updated Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers document as it pertains to the essential nature of landscape construction and maintenance. This letter is exclusively for you as a CLCA member.

What CLCA Advises

  • Read the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers document and see if any of the listings apply to your operations.
  • Read the communication from the Director of the Office of the Small Business Advocate.
  • Read the CLCA legal opinion letter.

If your job tasks fall within the listings of the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers document, we advise that you provide all of the following documents to every worker on your crews, and have extra copies in your work vehicles. Be sure all of your workers carry state identification (driver’s license or similar).

  • Print the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers document.
  • Print the communication from the Director of the Office of the Small Business Advocate.
  • Print the CLCA legal opinion letter.
  • Create a cover letter on your company letterhead outlining that the bearer is employed by your company and performing essential work as outlined by the Governor’s Executive order (See sample in left column). Include information on to who to contact at your company and how they may be reached should law enforcement or a job site owner have questions.

Important Considerations Before Returning To Work

Each of you has different business situations, circumstances and needs that will guide you to decide if you work and under what conditions. Your decision making should include considering the health and safety needs of your crew and your community.

Should you feel that your crews can resume work, and if a crew member is stopped, we advise that they be instructed to provide the document and direct the questioning individual to call the owner or responsible person at the company with any questions. That owner or responsible person should be listed on your cover letter.

It is imperative that any crews working should continue to practice all applicable health and safety protocols, including practicing safe distancing.

Remember: The Situation Is Extremely Fluid

The Governor can change his Executive Order and the terms thereof at any time. We strongly recommend that you check daily for any possible updates and changes.