CLCA Leaders Kick Off 2020 with the Leadership Conference
Changing it up a bit with a day and a half event on January 28 and 29, CLCA state and chapter leaders gathered at the Holiday Inn in Sacramento for the association’s annual Leadership Conference.
Highlights included:
- A warm welcome from CLCA’s 2020 State President, Regan Barry
- Facilitator Peter Houstle from Mariner Management and Marketing
- Recognition Luncheon
- Chapter Position Breakout Sessions
- Installation Dinner
- CLCA Executive Director Sandra Giarde’s training on legal and fiduciary duties of board members, complete with a live mock board meeting
Peter Houstle outlined maximizing member engagement and building future leaders
With over three decades of association management experience, Peter Houstle focused his presentation on leveraging 21st century volunteer strategies to maximize member engagement and build future leaders. He explored the challenges and solutions that associations face today by re-thinking our volunteer system.
The recognition luncheon followed Houstle’s morning session, acknowledging the outstanding members in 2019:
- Allegiance Award winner Jerrie Beard
- Regular Member of the Year Eric Watanabe
- Associate Member of the Year Lindsay Ono.
Congratulations to everyone!
Leadership in action: Small groups with big ideas
After lunch, it was time to roll up our sleeves and learn all about chapter board positions. Chapter presidents, treasurers, membership VPs, events VPs, secretaries and associate members learned the importance of their roles on the board. They also had a chance to attend sessions other than their own positions, such as social media and beyond.
CLCA 2019 President Beth Burns: #battonpassed
The installation dinner rounded out the evening. Past president Javier Lesaca installed the 2020 CLCA Board of Directors and attendees enjoyed hearing from Elizabeth Burns, CLCA’s outgoing president and Regan Barry, this year’s president.
On the next day, attendees mingled and networked over breakfast, learned about their legal and fiduciary duties from executive director Sandra Giarde and trained on conducting chapter board meetings as Sandra led CLCA staff members on a fun mock board meeting.
“Overall a great conference,” was the resounding feedback from the attendees.
Thank you to everyone who came and we look forward to an amazing CLCA year ahead!