EPA Honors Metropolitan Water District, CLCA

For the second year in a row, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency presented a WaterSense Excellence Award to the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California for their partnership with the California Landscape Contractors Association.

The award was announced earlier this month at the WaterSmart Innovations Conference and Exposition.

MWD partnered with the association to offer a dual certification course that combines QWEL and CLCA’s Certified Water Manager Program.

By offering the combined curriculum, audit and exam, MWD and CLCA created a unique program combining two WaterSense labeled certifications and is accelerating water-efficient landscape training for industry professionals. the EPA announced.

“The award was in recognition of the fantastic outcomes of our program in having so many green industry professionals earn CLCA’s Certified Water Manager certification and the Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper certification,” said CLCA Executive Director Sandra Giarde, CAE.