Set the Future of Your Association
General Membership Meeting
9-11 a.m., November 15, 2024
Hyatt Regency Newport Beach
1107 Jamboree Road
Newport Beach, California
All members are invited to attend the 2024 General Membership Meeting.
President Tom Sweeney will update attendees on the state of the association, and then open the floor to questions and input from members of the audience. Voting will follow.
Who May Attend?
All CLCA members are invited to attend the General Membership Meeting. One representative from each Regular and Associate member company may vote, as can each Life member.
If you would like to attend the General Membership Meeting but are unable to attend the convention, please contact Micheyl Barnett at CLCA HQ, (916) 830-2780.
President: Lindsay Ono
President-Elect: Alex Salazar
Secretary/Treasurer: Paul Hansen
Director of Events: Ana Cooper
Director of Resource Management: Eric Santos, CLT
Statements from candidates are posted here (PDF).
The Board of Directors recommends that section 3.10 and 5.05 of the association’s bylaws be amended as follows (proposed new text in bold italics):
3.10 Life Membership
Life Membership is extended to any Regular or Associate individual member recommended by the individual member’s base chapter, who has been in good standing for twenty-five (25) years. Life Membership applies to the individual member only and excludes the member’s business entity. A Life Member shall have no further dues obligations but shall be entitled to all the benefits previously enjoyed as a Regular or Associate Member. There are two categories of Life Membership:
(a) Life Membership – Retired. Life Membership – Retired is offered to individuals who have an inactive or surrendered C-27 license with the CSLB or pledge that their company is no longer operating. This category for membership shall have no dues, no voting rights, no right to hold office, and are not eligible for cost saving member programs or educational programs, but does qualify for discounted social event programs and insurance programs.
(b) Life Membership – Active. Life Membership – Active is offered to individuals who meet the requirements for Life Membership, but have an active C-27 license with the CSLB or have an operating company qualifying for membership. This category for membership has all the rights of a regular or associate member but with a 25% discount on their applicable dues tier.
5.05 Quorum
A quorum for the General Membership Meeting or any Special General Membership Meeting shall consist of no fewer than fifty (50) members in good standing in attendance.
The number of Members in good standing present at a duly noticed Meeting shall constitute a quorum.