Update Your Contractor Search Listing
CLCA’s Find My Contractor Search: Here’s what you need to know to take advantage of this valuable member benefit.
1. Who Can Be Listed in clca.org/find?
All CLCA contractor members can take advantage of this free listing.
For your company’s protection, only the company’s main representative may update the company profile.
Life Member? Contact CLCA HQ at [email protected] or (916) 830-2780 to activate your company profile.
2. Log In to member.clca.org
Log into CLCA’s exclusive members-only Member Center at member.clca.org.
Each CLCA representative has a unique account. Enter your email address and password to access your profile.
Forgot your password? No problem. Click the link to instantly reset it.
3. Select Organization
To promote security, accounts on CLCA’s website are for individuals. Company-wide accounts are not offered.
In your individual profile, click the ORGANIZATIONS tab to update your company profile.
4. Manage Organization
Click the MANAGE button to select the company you want to manage in the Find My Contractor search. In this example, Blaze wants to manage Bogus Landscape.
Are you involved with several related companies? When deciding which to manage and list in the Find My Contractor search, be sure to select the company that has a C-27 license.
5. Review and Update Company Information
To activate and update your company profile, click on the ACCOUNT tab.
6. Manage Organization Info
Select ORGANIZATION INFO from the menu on the left.
Then, review (and update, as desired) your company profile. Note that some information is greyed out and can’t be edited, To update greyed out information, please email CLCA HQ at [email protected] with the desired change.
Your company’s main phone number will be listed in the Find My Contractor search.
7. Manage Organization Info (Part 2)
Scroll down to continue to review and update information.
Some information in your company profile (such as employees range or source) is not displayed in the current version of the Find My Contractor search.
The key fields are WEB SITE and DESCRIPTION. Double check that both are accurate.
Please review carefully to avoid embarrassing typos! Also, consumers who use the Find My Contractor search usually are not familiar with green industry acronyms and jargon, so be careful in what your write.
Interrupted while updating your profile? No problem. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click SAVE to save the information you have entered.
8. Manage Organization Info (Part 3)
IMPORTANT: The Find My Contractor search is an opt-in service. If you want your company listed, you MUST check the box.
The Web Awards section is a good place to list the Trophy and Beautification awards your company has won, as well as other business accolades. You may enter up to 500 characters in this field.
In the SERVICES section, select the types of services your company provides. If your company does everything, select them all.
Please review carefully to avoid embarrassing typos! Also, consumers who use the Find My Contractor search usually are not familiar with green industry acronyms and jargon, so be careful in what you write.
9. Click Save
IMPORTANT: Click the SAVE button at the bottom of the page.
Interrupted while updating your profile? No problem. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click SAVE to save the information you have entered.
10. Review
After you complete your profile, use the Find My Contractor search to review your listing.
Need to edit? No problem — just be sure to refresh the member.clca.org/clca-contractor-search webpage when you return to review your edits.