Why CLCA Advocates

Why is CLCA Active with Advocacy?

  • Because the state Legislature introduces hundreds of bills relating to water, taxation, employment, and other subjects that directly impact the work of landscape contractors during a typical two-year legislative session.
  • Because state agencies consider dozens of new regulations every year that directly affect our industry.
  • Because construction contracting is a heavily regulated occupation in California.
  • Because CLCA knows: if you are not at the table…you are on the menu.


We encourage you to get involved!

Grassroots efforts move mountains. Ways you can help CLCA advocate for the landscape contracting industry include:

  • Attending a local legislative town hall or event
  • Donating to LandPAC
  • Serving on the CLCA Legislative Committee
  • Sending an email or letter to your legislators
  • Writing an opinion editorial for your local newspaper
  • Meeting one-on-one with your legislators.

Working together we achieve much more than working alone. Join us!